
Ramrod Channel: The channel is 17 ft wide and not wide enough to safely accommodate passing vessels. When using the channel, yield to any vessel already in the channel. Only one boat at a time unless following another boat.

Notice to Mariners: The Coast Guard has issued a formal notice to mariners to stay in the middle of the channel known as Ramrod 123. Please be aware markers are located on the flats and not at the channel edge, and there is a rock ledge sticking out near Marker #8. It is important to use the center of the channel. 

Channel Markers: BBECA installs and maintains the channel markers along our entrance channel using dues income and donations from our members. The current Chairman of the Channel Marking Committee is Paul Gerson. Please call Paul at 872-2780 if you have questions or would like to volunteer for the Committee.

No Wake Zone: Please observe the No Wake Zone in all canals. If you can see waves coming off your boat or lapping against the shore, then you are going too fast. Also, please do not “double park” boats in the canals (main canal is 50 feet wide, finger canals are 30-40 feet wide) so that others can pass safely.

Boat Ramps: A list of all public access boat ramps in the Florida Keys can be found here

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary: Auxiliary volunteers work with the Coast Guard to promote boating safety and provide education for the public. Activities include boating safety courses, boating safety exams, and assisting boaters on the water.

Tides.   You can accurately gauge the tide levels for Ramrod Key and Niles Channel by making the following corrections to the Key West tides reported in newspapers, web sites or on the Channel 16 local weather report: Low Tide, add 1¼ hours; High Tide, subtract ¼ hour.

The following sites provide detailed tide data:

Safe Boating Information: